Here's the list of gifts for, last updated on December 16, 2024.
Already bought
Bread/Hair Trimmer $33.74
Available at: Amazon
Gotta keep clean to impress...someone. A rechargeable trimmer. I have one but it's a bit too powerful for me. It's like building a sandcastle with a bulldozer or something.
Five Broken Blades, Book 01
Available at: Amazon
Another Book:
I never ask for anything practical, do I? Just collecting dust, waiting to be enjoyed. Ain't that a summary or metaphor for life or something?Transformers Wall Art
Available at: Amazon
Some art for my "office"
Tabi (toed) Socks $14.99
Available at: Amazon
I like wear socks. I also like wearing flip-flops. I don't like having to take off my socks to slip on my flops. I'm lazy. Maybe these will make a difference?
Stormlight Book 5: Wind and Truth
Available at: Amazon
The next book in the Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson:
. It won't be published until December 6 so there's still time. Even then I can't read until I get my prescription updated so, yeah.